This section will show some personal projects dedicated to classic films. As a Graphic Designer, I enjoy using all my technical skills and resources to pay a little tribute to the films that I adore.

Here, you will get to see a preview of those designs, a further explanation and also some surprises coming ahead.

Don't forget to visit my new Etsy Store!

"It's a Wonderful Life" Project

I'll give you the moon, Mary illustration

This illustration is based on the dialogue of my favorite scene in "It's a Wonderful Life", the one in whiche George Bailey, played by the great James Stewart, promises Mary –the sweet Donna Reed– to give her the moonSome things a woman doesn't get over so easy:

George Bailey: What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary.

This last sentence somehow inspired me to pay a graphic homage to the film and its lovely illustration, George Lassos The Moon.

Inspiration It's a Wonderful Life
Pictures of the "moon sequence" and the illustration called "George Lassos The Moon".

You will find it, in different formats, at Cine Gratia Designs Store, but one of my favorites is the tote bag. What do you think? Take a look here.

The moon in a tote bag

"Who's Minding the Store?" Project 

Who's Minding the Store Art

These four illustrations are a small tribute to the film "Who's Minding the Store?", starring Jerry Lewis, Agnes Moorehead, John McGiver and Jill St. John. I was inspired by a scene from the movie, in which the portraits of the "real" presidents of Tuttle's Department Store are revealed:

Animated gif of the "portraits scene".

So here's my favorite item from the store, featuring the "Who's Minding the Store?" project. Those pocket size notebooks are hand stitched and bound and so much fun to make! You can check them out here.